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*** This product is still under development. ***


*** Site Members will be notified upon release of the product. ***


Magnesium plates, which are known for their high heat resistance and strength, have been transformed into super insulation plates with high porosity, which can be produced by the 'cold process' procedure as a result of the R&D studies carried out within our company.


Insulation plates that can reach 0.030 Lambda values ​​can reach the required strength with surface coating. The building spaces to be insulated with the new application technique can be filled with a Magnesium insulation foam.


This product, which facilitates the construction of Cold Air facilities, can also be used as filling material in the manufacture of fireproof doors.


It will be possible to produce in desired dimensions without being obliged to a certain size.

The most similar product to this product on the market is Foam Concrete. However, foam concrete is not suitable in most situations due to shrinkage cracks.

(R&D) Magnesium Board

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